Keep yourself protected while you're on the road with the right automobile insurance. In the event of theft, explosion or collision, the policy pays for the repair or replacement of the vehicle and for liability claims arising from accident-related bodily injuries and property damage.
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Glossary of Auto Insurance Terms
Most people have some form of insurance. However, many do not have a clear understanding of coverage or policy options: vital versus convenience coverages.
- BIPD (Liability): One of the most important coverages in your auto policy is bodily injury and property damage liability coverages. This coverage helps protect you, your family and assets if you injure someone or their property with your vehicle and you are found legally liable.
- Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist: This coverage compensates you, members of your household and your passengers, up to a limit that you select, for bodily injury from an accident with a motorist who has no insurance or is underinsured. Uninsured Motorist protection can compensate you, up to a limit that you select, if you're injured by a hit-and-run driver.
- Medical: This coverage pays many medical bills and funeral expenses, up to a limit you select, for you or a passenger injured while riding in your vehicle. Coverage extends to you or a family member when riding as a passenger in someone else's vehicle or when struck by a vehicle when you are on foot.
- Comprehensive & Collision (material damage): Comprehensive coverage protects your investment in your vehicle by paying for losses resulting from fire, theft, falling objects, riots, storms, earthquakes, floods, collision with a bird or animal and other natural occurrences. Collision coverage pays for damage to your vehicle that results from a collision with another vehicle or object.
- Rental Vehicle / Loss of Use: This is designed to assist you with some expenses you may incur following a loss in excess of the deductible arising under Collision and/or Comprehensive loss.
- Towing / Road Service: When you or your loved ones are stranded because your car will not operate and you need help, we're as close as the telephone. You can reach us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with just one toll-free call. And with our sign-and-drive feature in many of our coverages, you most probably won't need a credit card or check to get the help you need.